First line: If I knew Marjorie Klinker was going to get murdered, I might have been nicer to her. Well...Maybe.
My thoughts: I have really enjoyed this series. It has a cozy mystery feel along with being a lighthearted paranormal fantasy. Daniels has created a fun character in Pepper Martin who can talk to ghosts and has become a kind of private investigator for the undead. The question she has to find out this time is who killed Marjorie and there are several people on her list to check out. The President wants her to hurry up and get it over with as he is tired of all the goings on within his domain in the tomb. I enjoyed her interaction with the president and thought his role at the end of the book was great. The relationship developing between her and Quinn (a hot super cop) through these books didn't get far this time, but there is always the next book. There is a little light romance, a little action, identity theft, the stalker, humor, a little steam and lots of fun.
Quote: "I said she was a pain, I didn't say anyone wanted to kill her. Oh..." I thought about Gloria Henninger of the pink bathrobe and the dog. I thought about how Marjorie made Doris cry and almost leave a volunteer job she loved, and I thought about Ray, who wasn't smiling when he left Marjorie's house the other night. I thought about me. Oh yeah, I'd wanted to kill Marjorie plenty of times. This wasn't the proper occasion to admit it.
My rating:

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Books in the series:
*Tomb With A View, July 2010
A Pepper Martin Mystery #6
*Dead Man Talking, October 2009
Pepper Martin Mysteries, No. 5
*Night Of The Loving Dead, January 2009
Pepper Martin Mysteries, # 4)
*Tombs of Endearment, October 2007
Pepper Martin #3
*The Chick and the Dead, March 2007
Pepper Martin #2
*Don of the Dead, June 2006
Pepper Martin #1
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