First line: Ronnie slouched in the front seat of the car, wondering why on earth her mom and dad hated her so much.
My thoughts: This is the fourth and final book for my Nicholas Sparks 2011 reading challenge. It is my least favorite of the 4, I had a hard time getting into it. The story, I read somewhere, was developed initially for a screen play written especially for Miley Cyrus. So the book was based on the screenplay. For most of the book I did not care at all for the main character, Ronnie. However by the end she had grown, matured, and changed into a likable young woman. My favorite character was her father. He was the kind of dad that we all want, the perfect foil to Ronnie's hatefulness. His story was the the best, and saddest part of this book. The end of the story had me crying. I knew that, this being a Nicholas Sparks book, someone would die. This book was very slow in places, I'll admit to skimming along a couple of times. This coming of age novel feels like it is especially written for the YA set. I will read more of Sparks books, but not soon. I've cried enough this month over books to last me a while!
Why this book? For the Nicholas Sparks Reading Challenge

Quote: Life, he realized, was much like a song. In the beginning there is mystery, in the end there is confirmation, but it’s in the middle where all the emotion resides to make the whole thing worthwhile.
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