This is a wonderful, historical, action-adventure story. The story begins in 1950 when a locomotive is being salvaged from a lake in Montana. The majority of the story takes place in 1906 when Detective Isaac Bell begins his search for the notorious Butcher Bandit. The Butcher Bandit is so called because he kills every one at the scene of the robbery including children. Bell begins his investigation and slowly pieces together clues until he comes to the conclusion that he knows the identity, a suprising person. Then the chase is on. I like the historical tidbits, the discriptions of automobiles and so on. The final chase, on trains, is something a little different and makes for a great read. The end of the book returns to 1950 with the raising of the final car and the story wrap up.
If you like action- adventure type novels, I think you will like this one.
I would love to hear your opinion of "Outcasts Of Skagaray". If you liked the Left Behind series, and have any interest in spiritual themes, you might enjoy it. For excerpts to see what it's like, go to If you like suspense and adventure, this might appeal to you as well.
I love Clive Cussler. I'll look for this one. Glad you dropped by. Pappy
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