Thursday, August 21, 2008

Redwall The Graphic Novel

From Redwall Wiki: Redwall Abbey is shattered by the arrival of the evil rat Cluny and his villainous hordes, Matthias, a young mouse, determines to find the legendary sword of Martin the Warrior which, he is convinced, will help Redwall's inhabitants destroy their enemy.
My Thoughts: This is the second graphic novel I've read and it is from an actual novel that I read several years ago. In fact I've read most of the books in this series. I enjoyed reading this, seeing the pictures, however I remember the descriptions Jacques wrote for the meals and feasts, reading about the kindness in the hearts of the Abby creatures, and descriptions of the various inhabitants of Redwall Abby and Mossflower. The word pictures I remember were more powerful than the drawn pictures.

1 comment:

Agnieszka Tatera said...

:) I already mooched A Thousand Splendid Suns on BookMooch and hopefully will get it soon :)

And The Nanny Diaries - it's still not really "hight" literature, but it was better than I've expected.